Head shot of Matthew Stockinger



Computer science and chemistry teacher ♦ climbing coach ♦ independent software developer ♦ Saint Cloud, MN







React | Elementary Math Worksheet Generator

My elementary-aged daughters are working hard on their math facts (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division), but their school doesn't ever want to send homework. To supplement their learning, I created this app using React so that I can quickly generate practice sheets. I'm particularly proud of the form validation, which automatically detects all impossible scenarios based on the constraints. Repo on Github

Node and Express | Stock's Favorite Books API

This is an API hosted on an Azure Web Service that provides basic information about many of my favorite books (ISBN, author, title, reviews). It has JSON web token authentication & authorization. Authenticated users can add, edit, and delete their own reviews of the books. The project was created for the final assignment of IBM's Full-Stack certification, course 5 (described below).

Data structures and algorithms | 2020 Advent of Code

I am proud of my solutions to the 2020 Advent of Code. Each year, the Advent of Code attracts tens of thousands of coders to partake in up to 50 computational challenges. In 2020, I was one of only 7% of participants who completed every challenge.

HTML, CSS, and vanilla JavaScript | EaglesCoding.com

I originally built this page as an advertisement for my computing courses at Apollo High School. Includes a mini-CMS using PHP, so that I can easily post new student work to the page just by uploading images or video to new folders on the server. Repo on Github

Certifications & Courses


Matt demonstrated great leadership and professional qualities at his time with ING DIRECT.

Matt has a unique combination of skills like no one I’ve ever met. He has the technical skill to trouble shoot almost anything. The creativity and ingenuity to dream up solutions and ideas and the communication skill to explain all of this to seemingly anyone. Matt has a way of thinking and analysis that makes him a valuable asset for anyone lucky enough to have him on their team.